【XiangShan Biweekly 69】20250203
Happy Chinese New Year! Welcome to XiangShan biweekly column, this is the 69th issue of our biweekly column.
This update mainly includes the latest performance improvements of the Kunminghu architecture.
Happy Chinese New Year! Welcome to XiangShan biweekly column, this is the 69th issue of our biweekly column.
This update mainly includes the latest performance improvements of the Kunminghu architecture.
新春快乐!欢迎在新春佳节来到我们的双周报专栏,祝您在新的一年: * 前端拥有精准的分支预测,抓住每个机遇跳转; * 流水线满载幸福的指令,复杂事务并行完成; * 存储子系统永葆高命中率,快乐数据随取随得; * 访存通路畅通无阻,幸福地址永不缺页; * 缓存层次温暖相随,珍贵回忆随时预取; * 总线带宽通达四方,好运信号零延迟送达!
Welcome to XiangShan biweekly column, this is the 68th issue of our biweekly column. Through this column, we will regularly introduce the progress of XiangShan, hoping to learn and improve together with you.
Recently, various teams working on Kunminghu have continued to advance optimizations in area, timing, and power consumption. In addition, the backend fixed a boundary condition where rob
failed to flush entries during a redirect, and the memory and cache subsystem fixed the bug of MMU stuck when MissQueue is full under high pressure.
欢迎来到我们的双周报专栏,本次是香山双周报专栏的第 68 期。我们将通过这一专栏,定期介绍香山的开源进展,希望与大家共同学习、一起进步。
近期,昆明湖各组持续推进面积、时序、功耗的优化。此外,后端修复边界条件下,rob 发生重定向时没有成功刷新 rob 表项的问题,访存和缓存修复重压场景下 MissQueue 满导致 MMU 卡死的 Bug。
Welcome to XiangShan biweekly column, this is the 67th issue of our biweekly column. Through this column, we will regularly introduce the progress of XiangShan, hoping to learn and improve together with you.
Recently, various teams working on Kunminghu have continued to advance optimizations in area, timing, and power consumption. In addition, the frontend fixed an issue where the corrupt bit was not flushed after ICache MSHR flush, the backend fixed incorrect behavior when fusing lui
and fld
instructions with the zero register as the destination, and the memory and cache subsystem completed the implementation of Svnapot extension (supports address translation for naturally aligned power-of-2 page sizes) and already merged into master. This update also includes the latest performance improvements of the Kunminghu architecture.
欢迎来到我们的双周报专栏,本次是香山双周报专栏的第 67 期。我们将通过这一专栏,定期介绍香山的开源进展,希望与大家共同学习、一起进步。
近期,昆明湖各组持续推进面积、时序、功耗的优化。此外,前端修复 ICache MSHR 冲刷后 corrupt bit 未冲刷的问题,后端修复 lui/fld 指令融合在目的寄存器是零寄存器时行为出错的问题,访存和缓存完成 Svnapot(支持 2 的幂次大小页的地址翻译)扩展的实现并合入主线。本期还更新了昆明湖架构近期性能。
Welcome to XiangShan biweekly column, this is the 66th issue of our biweekly column. Through this column, we will regularly introduce the progress of XiangShan, hoping to learn and improve together with you.
Recently, various teams working on Kunminghu have continued to advance optimizations in area, timing, and power consumption. In addition, the frontend fixed an issue with incorrect RAS predictor updates under power down and up reset, the backend fixed errors in calculating the trap PC for certain interrupts processed in VS mode, and the memory and cache subsystem fixed several bugs releated to misaligned load / store requests. This update also includes the latest performance improvements of the Kunminghu architecture.
欢迎来到我们的双周报专栏,本次是香山双周报专栏的第 66 期。我们将通过这一专栏,定期介绍香山的开源进展,希望与大家共同学习、一起进步。
近期,昆明湖各组持续推进面积、时序、功耗的优化。此外,前端修复 RAS 预测器在单核下电 - 上电复位情况下更新不正确的问题,后端修复在 VS 模式处理的部分中断,计算陷入 PC 出错的问题,访存和缓存部分修复非对齐访存相关的若干 Bug。本期还更新了昆明湖架构近期性能。
Welcome to XiangShan biweekly column, this is the 65th issue of our biweekly column. Through this column, we will regularly introduce the progress of XiangShan, hoping to learn and improve together with you.
Recently, various teams working on Kunminghu have continued to advance optimizations in area, timing, and power consumption. In addition, the frontend fixed incorrect flushing of iTLB in certain situations, the backend fixed calculation errors in scalar/vector half-precision floating-point extensions (Zfh/Zvfh) functional units, and the memory and cache subsystem fixed the bug that a TLB corresponding item is replaced during guest page fault processing. This update also includes the latest performance improvements of the Kunminghu architecture.
欢迎来到我们的双周报专栏,本次是香山双周报专栏的第 65 期。我们将通过这一专栏,定期介绍香山的开源进展,希望与大家共同学习、一起进步。
近期,昆明湖各组持续推进面积、时序、功耗的优化。此外,前端修复 MMIO / 非 MMIO 边界跨越时全部报异常的问题,后端修复标量/向量半精度浮点拓展 (Zfh/Zvfh) 功能单元计算错误,访存和缓存部分修复 guest page fault 处理过程中,TLB 相应项被替换导致的卡死 Bug。本期还更新了昆明湖架构近期性能。